New Guidelines and Policies during the Pandemic, effective May 11, 2020
Our governing body, the US Swim School Association has issued guidelines we must follow for our school to reopen. We appreciate your strict adherence and understanding during this period.
- The front door is now open for access. You may also park in the gravel lot behind the building. To access the back lot, go in on the gravel drive on the Hook 1 side of the building. You will enter through the back door.
- Be flexible regarding schedule changes! As we work through this first week, we are finding schedule issues. You may be asked to move your class time up or down. All of these changes are made with your child's best interests in mind. If you cannot work with a change, we suggest you take the credit for the session.
- To maintain social distancing and limit our group to below 10 people, only one parent/adult will be allowed to bring the swimmer inside the facility to take your child to the pool deck. Our lobby will be a pass-through area only; parent/adult must return to their vehicle to wait during class. NO ONE WILL BE ALLOWED TO WAIT IN THE LOBBY OR ON THE DECK TO OBSERVE CLASS. Keep an eye on the time and be prepared to retrieve your child on time. EXCEPTION: A parent of a child 4 and under may remain in the lobby to assist the child in the bathroom if necessary. Please observe the 6 foot social distance protocol and wear a mask. There will be no chairs or tables in the lobby; you will be required to stand during the entire class. (Please note that the staff will be notified of all swimmers’ ages, so if your child is not on the list, you will be asked to return to your car.)
- Class levels may be combined to maximize the number of students we can accommodate. We ask you to be flexible. Children will be taught at the appropriate level in a combined class. Example: Beginner classes may be combined with Lap Swim classes. As is our policy, teachers have the prerogative to switch swimmers between classes to get a proper mix of skills, if possible. You are not guaranteed a particular teacher being assigned to a class.
- The locker room is CLOSED. Bring your child dressed in a swimsuit and have your towel or something to pull on quickly after class once you reach your vehicle. Locker rooms will be open for toilets and handwashing only; showers are CLOSED.
- Siblings will NOT be allowed to enter the facility, even when you are bringing your child inside. No exceptions!
- The Pro Shop/Office will remain closed at this point. We may reopen later in the session, but for at least the first week, we will remain closed.
- All your swimmer really needs is a pair of goggles and a towel for this session. That way, there is less to be left behind. This is also a reminder that Sea Star DOES NOT HAVE A LOST AND FOUND. Please be sure you have everything you came with when you leave.
- Please work with your swimmer about coughing in the elbow and not spitting during class. Our staff needs to remain healthy to serve everyone.
- Please observe all other suggestions by the CDC and other local, state and governmental authorities.
- STAY HOME IF YOU OR YOUR CHILD ARE SICK!: If your child is coughing, has a fever, or any other symptom of the coronavirus or any other disease, he/she will not be allowed to participate in class. This will be at the sole discretion of the teacher and is not up for negotiation. Swimmers who are members of vulnerable populations, including those with underlying health conditions, are strongly encouraged to check with their doctor prior to choosing to attend class.
- Do not bring your child to class if you or any member of your family has tested positive for covid-19. We cannot risk the health of our staff or other swimmers.